- a huge collection of quality fonts!

We are glad to welcome you on our modest site, where we collected the best fonts for you. Hundreds of Cyrillic and Latin fonts are sorted into convenient categories for you. We have tried to detail each font face and implemented the most convenient and informative process of downloading and installing the font on the site. If you do not need the whole font, you can always download and install the weight of font that you need apart.
If you are a beginner, we have detailed instructions for you to install the font in any operating system or Photoshop.

Thank you very much for sharing interesting fonts with us. Thanks to you, we will make this project even better and more useful for you.

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Recently Added


1 769

Базовая линия – воображаемая линия, проходящая по нижнему краю основного элемента символа.

Regular (1)

TT Slab
Cyrillic, Latin

3 282

Everyone sees the world in one's own way

Thin,  Thin Italic,  Light,  Light Italic,  Regular... (10)

Proxima Nova
Cyrillic, Latin

6 800

iPhone 7 Plus. The best iPhone available right now

Thin,  Thin Italic,  Light,  Light Italic,  Regular... (42)

Akzidenz-Grotesk Pro
Cyrillic, Latin

15 000

Respect the past, create the future!

Light,  Light Italic,  Regular,  Italic,  Medium... (30)


1 ... 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
