Frontage font

  • Cyrillic support:No
  • Latin support:Yes
Weights: Regular,  Bold,  Shadow,  Bulb,  3D
Пример начертания шрифта FrontageПример начертания шрифта FrontageПример начертания шрифта FrontageПример начертания шрифта FrontageПример начертания шрифта Frontage
  • 16.02.2018
  • 8 461
  • 2
+2 -

Frontage Regular
Frontage Bold
Frontage Shadow
Frontage Bulb
Frontage 3D
Show all weights of Frontage font

How to intall the font in: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Photoshop


asdf от 22 April 2020 15:36

good and thanx

admin от 19 January 2021 21:02

Quote: Nancy
I chose my font (Frontage) and tried to download. Didn't work without donation--which I made--for $10. The font still won't download. Terrible system. How do I get my money back, since I donated for absolutely no reason. I changed wanting the font due to how quickly I need to build some sign layouts for a friend's wedding. Please advise! Soon!

Hello, thank you for donation, but it is not necessary for downloading.
To activate "Download button" just share link on site or click "I do not want, it's hard for me" or "It is hard for me. I just want to download." like on this screenshot - how to download

If you have any difficulties with any particular font - let us know by this mail

Direct lint to your font -

P.S: We not sell the fonts, we only give download possibility.
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