Factoria font

  • Cyrillic support:No
  • Latin support:Yes
Пример начертания шрифта FactoriaПример начертания шрифта FactoriaПример начертания шрифта Factoria
  • 24.09.2018
  • 26 912
  • 5
0 -

Factoria Thin
Factoria Thin Italic
Factoria Ultra Light
Factoria Ultra Light Italic
Factoria Light
Factoria Light Italic
Factoria Book
Factoria Book Italic
Factoria Medium
Factoria Medium Italic
Factoria Demi
Factoria Demi Italic
Factoria Bold
Factoria Bold Italic
Factoria Black
Factoria Black Italic
Show all weights of Factoria font

How to intall the font in: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Photoshop


ies от 19 January 2019 10:27

güzel daaa indir amk

fatima от 21 January 2019 09:53

download factoria font

Artursas Astramskas от 26 February 2019 19:30

will be using this font for a basketball training event. thank you so much!

bob от 21 October 2020 20:29

this works for us

InfinitechCircle от 9 January 2021 11:40

Thanks so much
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