Helvetica Now Text font
- Cyrillic support:No
- Latin support:Yes

About font:
- Version:Version 1.00
- Trademark:Helvetica is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
- Company:Monotype Imaging Inc.
- Designer:Project Originators: Otmar Hoefer, Jrg Schweinsberg, Jrgen Siebert, Erik Spiekermann Designers: Jim Ford, Steve Matteson, Charles Nix, Tom Rickner, Alexander Roth, Juan Villanueva, Jan Hendrik Weber, Terrance Weinzierl Production Team: Thomas Caldwell, Deb Gonet, Mary Hanson, Henning Krause, Karl Leuthold, Olli Meier, Marianna Paszkowska, Inka Strotmann, Roger Waindle, Sue Waksmonski Marketing Team: Amy Aylward, Melissa Centrella, Bill Davis, Ana De Jesus, James Fooks-Bale, Nicole Hastings, Bernhard Hofmacher, Katie Hogan, James Minior, Rebecca Price, Bernhard Prger, Andy Rodger, Alexandra Schwarzwald, Aisra Shervani, Carl Unger, Gretchen Walker
- Shord description:Helvetica Now is the first comprehensive reworking of the Helvetica family in more than 35 years. It consists of three size ranges: Micro, Text and Display. Helvetica Now Text is the workhorse of the group. Its refined forms and spacing make it a pleasure to read, and its ample palette of weights (Thin to Black) make it an obvious choice for todays ultra-demanding, information-rich design environments.
- URL:http://www.monotype.com
- License:This font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (collectively, Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype by clicking here: www.monotype.com.
- License URL:http://www.monotype.com
By clicking the Download button you can see all examples of the Helvetica Now Text font along with all the styles.