Industry font

  • Cyrillic support:No
  • Latin support:Yes
Пример начертания шрифта IndustryПример начертания шрифта IndustryПример начертания шрифта Industry
  • 25.09.2018
  • 62 963
  • 10
+6 -

Industry Light
Industry Light Italic
Industry Book
Industry Book Italic
Industry Medium
Industry Medium Italic
Industry Demi
Industry Demi Italic
Industry Bold
Industry Bold Italic
Industry Black
Industry Black Italic
Show all weights of Industry font

How to intall the font in: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Photoshop


Alejandro Ramos от 14 March 2019 04:31

very good font i love it

Giovanna Maiani от 24 July 2019 21:49

Thank you for this beautiful free font

ANDRE SALGADO CALABRIA от 18 October 2019 17:26

hello, waitting for the font : )

Kathleen DeMaggio от 27 March 2020 23:36

I've emailed you and wrote to PayPal because I sent a donation, but was never sent back to your page to download the font. So you got beer money but I did not get Industry Bold TTF font.

admin от 27 March 2020 23:44

Quote: Kathleen DeMaggio
I've emailed you and wrote to PayPal because I sent a donation, but was never sent back to your page to download the font. So you got beer money but I did not get Industry Bold TTF font.

Hello, thank you for donation, but it is not necessery for downloading.
To activate "Download button" just share link on site or click "I do not want, it's hard for me" or "It is hard for me. I just want to download." like on this screenshot

direct link to you Industry font -

Quote: Kathleen DeMaggio
I've emailed

I've emailed you, but you not answer

Kathleen DeMaggio от 28 March 2020 00:48

I did get your email and clicked on the direct link and the font downloaded. Thank you

Quote: admin
Quote: Kathleen DeMaggio
I've emailed you and wrote to PayPal because I sent a donation, but was never sent back to your page to download the font. So you got beer money but I did not get Industry Bold TTF font.

Hello, thank you for donation, but it is not necessery for downloading.
To activate "Download button" just share link on site or click "I do not want, it's hard for me" or "It is hard for me. I just want to download." like on this screenshot

direct link to you Industry font -

Quote: Kathleen DeMaggio
I've emailed

I've emailed you, but you not answer

Mahomed Altaf Omar от 7 June 2020 00:44

Great. Thank you.

Great. Thank you

CaiBer от 9 December 2020 19:16

good job really i loved that job

Jorge Silveira de Sousa от 18 May 2021 17:58

Fonte muito Bonita!

Robert Corsetti от 14 September 2021 23:16

Thanks worked great sending a donation now
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