Maax font

  • Cyrillic support:No
  • Latin support:Yes
Weights: Regular,  Italic,  Medium,  Medium Italic,  Bold,  Bold Italic,  Black
Пример начертания шрифта MaaxПример начертания шрифта Maax
  • 11.02.2018
  • 54 765
  • 5
+6 -

Maax Regular
Maax Italic
Maax Medium
Maax Medium Italic
Maax Bold
Maax Bold Italic
Maax Black
Show all weights of Maax font

How to intall the font in: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Photoshop


Olivier от 6 January 2020 20:05

thanks for the font

Victoria Perrote от 31 January 2020 02:14

he text of your comment is too short and does not have useful information according to administration's judgment.

Carolyn Riddell от 3 March 2021 12:02

Thanks for the font

Thanks for the font

Rachel от 21 April 2021 13:17

Thanks for the font

shashank babu от 19 April 2023 11:25

i want to help my project
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